What Is The Process For Getting A Document For A Permanent Stay

Document For A Permanent Stay

The asylum process lasts as you know about 2-4 years. If you are interested to  know more about us make sure to give us a call and we will provide you with the legal help that you need and require.

If you have entered the process, you have a, this is the most important residence number in the US, obtained by entering into marriage or by applying for asylum. It already means in some way that you have papers (you are a foreign non-resident and getting green card you become a resident). The key word is that you are already “a resident” and when you obtain a higher level of paper you already have a path to the goal, which is the acquisition of American citizenship. With that number you have almost the same rights as if you have with a green card except for a little more limited travel outside of America (you must ask for advance clearance every time you want to go somewhere / travel).

Checking until it has arrived is not the case – also entering your number will not give you an answer even if the system does not recognize the number, which does not mean that you are not in the process but simply that the service is not working.

You can request a travel document while you wait and approximately once a year can be approved for a period of approximately 4 weeks with rare exceptions. Information that it is not safe to go with a travel document (advance parole) outside the borders is not correct. It is true that it is written that the entry is not guaranteed, but this applies to people who in the meantime accidentally or deliberately cause a criminal offense, and, for example, they find themselves on the charge, in which case the state of America fails to make such cases, A person has the right not to let them leave the country.

If you are looking for a work permit for 151 days from filing or renewing it if it expires (another work permit), note that the first one is free while the other requires you to pay to the state in the amount of $ 410. In both cases, the paper goes:

Form I-765, copies of the first page of the passport, a copy of the call for prints and small blue paper that first arrived from your immigration. Everything goes in one copy and it is sent in one envelope. You should also have an address on the Work Permissions page above in the menu provided.

We are available on social media such as Twitter and OurBis. Make sure to follow us or send us a message and ask us about your concerns. We are here to help you. Feel free to call us and schedule an appointment.


Steffy Alen

Steffy Alen