Electric crematorium is being used widely for assisting the cremation process of the deceased. It is environment-friendly as too much of wood is not required for doing cremation inside it. Automatic electric crematoriums are now available in the market! The latest ones automate almost all the processes – making it very easy to cremate the deceased. They are very easy to clean and maintain too. State of the art technologies are used in the modern crematoriums for ensuring fast and efficient cremation processes with minimal human intervention. Provisions for the easy collection of ashes are also available in the electric crematoriums. This assists in completing further religious rituals after successful cremation– like putting the ashes in holy Ganga or other rivers.
How traditional Hindu cremation is done?
Huge amount of woods and straws are placed to make a pyre. The deceased is kept on the platform made over it. Ghee is poured or other natural resources are used as fuel for lighting the pyre and in turn to burn the body down into ashes. This is done in open grounds and too much smoke is produced during this activity – along with the consumption of huge amount of wood & natural resources like oil or ghee (as fuel).
Why switch to electric crematorium usage?
Huge amount of natural resources like oil & ghee fuels are not used in the electric crematoriums. Much wood is also not consumed. Therefore use them if you wish to save environment. The traditional Hindu method of doing the cremation process – on open grounds with the help of wood and immense amount of fuel – can be replaced with electric crematorium usage for protecting our environment.
The 5 steps involved in electric cremation
Let us take a look on how exactly the electric crematorium works. The 5 steps involved are:
- Preheat the crematorium
- Open the crematorium door
- Use the trolley & place the deceased inside the crematorium
- Close the door
- Handover ashes once the cremation is finished
Preheat the crematorium
This is similar to preheating the pizza oven before baking pizza. But the temperature used to cremate human body is too high when compared to the pizza oven. Preheat the crematorium to high temperatures (can increase up to around 2000oF). The preheating process helps in disintegrating the body of the deceased.
Open the crematorium door
Open the crematorium door. Door controlling options are present in automatic electric crematoriums which help you in opening the door automatically. This prevents you from having any heat related issues or injuries. Buy automatic crematoriums and control the crematorium processes easily with few touches on the control options present on the electric crematorium machine.
Use the trolley & place the deceased inside the crematorium
Place the deceased inside the crematorium with the help of trolley. You cannot place the body directly without the help of trolley as the chamber is preheated to extreme temperatures. The refractory firebricks lined inside the chamber help in maintaining temperature inside the chamber & prevents it from spreading to outside areas.
Close the door
The door of the electric crematorium has to be closed to avoid the escape of heat outside. Automatic door closing option is available in the automatic electric crematoriums purchased from Electric Crematorium Company In West Bengal & others. Use them for making the cremation process easy and efficient. You can reuse the same crematorium for doing further cremations of deceased ones. Purchase them once and maintain them well for ensuring its efficient functionality (every time).
Handover ashes once the cremation is finished
Ashes of the cremated person are considered with immense importance in Hindu religion. The ashes collected are put in river – so that it get dispersed to many different parts and do not gather in one particular place. Therefore provision is offered for collecting ashes from the electric chamber. One can collect ashes via this facility and handover it – for dispersing it according to the religious belief.
Crematorium Suppliers in India offers you with high quality crematoriums that work efficiently without any issues for a long time. You can get industrial crematoriums at rates around $ 80,000 to $250000 (for latest models). The steps to be followed for completing a cremation process are: (1) Preheat crematorium. (2) Open the crematorium door. (3) Use the trolley to place the deceased inside the crematorium chamber. (4) Close the door so that the heat to do not escape outside. (5) Handover ashes once the cremation process is finished.