How Long Does It Take to Have Dental Implants?

How Long Does It Take to Have Dental Implants?

Dental implants are considered the best dental replacements for people with one or more missing teeth. Dental implants offer advantages and chances to make people with missing teeth interested in enduring all the complicated dental implant processes to have excellent dental replacements in the end. However, many patients aren’t aware of the exact timeline of having dental implants, which makes them extremely surprised and nervous about what they will go through. Depending on your overall health, you may get your dental implants about 4 to 12 months or even longer, which is worth it. Here a group of experts who provide dental implant in Oakville clearly explain the treatment timeline to inform you about what you will experience during this process.

1. Initial Consultation

For all dental procedures, you need to consult with an experienced dentist at the first step to see if you are a great candidate. A skilled implant dentist will give you all the necessary information about your oral condition and if you are qualified to have dental implants through a comprehensive oral exam. The dental implant treatment will be approved if the professional dentist ensures your mouth is healthy enough for dental implants. This step is the most straightforward part of getting dental implants which usually lasts for a day.

2. Implant Placement

After a consultation with an oral surgeon or implant dentist, your implants will be placed directly onto your gums and jawbone within one or two weeks. This step is considered a surgical level in which you must be numb by proper sedation drugs during the procedure. Then you are required to go home and have enough rest until your wounds become healed and your oral condition is promoted.

3. Healing And Recovery

The most extended period of getting dental implants is completely healed and recovered from the past implant surgery. The initial healing process usually takes between one and two weeks, but you need to wait generally for 4 to 7 months until your implants osseointegrate with your jawbone. It means you need to wait for the next step until your dental implants become a natural part of your mouth and are fully bonded with your bone. This process takes 4 to 6 months, but it can be shorter or longer depending on your oral condition and immune system.

4. Making Your Implant Restoration

As you have your recovery time, your implant should be built simultaneously. During the healing process, you need to see your implant dentist for a few visits to take the necessary images and x-rays. This necessary information is managed by your implant dentist to be used by his dental lab partner to build your personalized implant restoration.


5. Having Your Abutment Places

Before the last step, it is essential to get your abutment placed. The abutment is what your permanent implant restoration will be attached to, strengthening the whole implant structure.

6. Placing Your Final Dental Implant Restoration

About one or two weeks after having an abutment, you can get your permanent implant restoration and enjoy the new smile and healthy oral condition you have.

Steffy Alen

Steffy Alen